72 hours rule.
jan i
2013-12-15 15:21:08 UTC

I am not sure if this is the right place for such a question/suggestion,
but better here than nowhere :-)

I have lately been meet with confusion in 2 situations, both at ASF
community level (at least if you look from a distance).

Lazy consensus defines "silence is consensus", but projects (like e.g.
labs) tends to redefine this rule:

"Every ASF committer can ask for one or more labs. The creation of the lab
requires a PMC lazy consensus vote (at least three +1 and no -1, 72 hours)"

In my mind this sentence is hard to understand, does it mean:
a) PMC who dont send an explicit +1/-1 cast a +1 == "silence is concensus"
b) 3 +1 pmc votes is needed, so the rules of "lazy consensus" does not

The people who wrote the lines I quote are all much more experienced in
"the apache way" than I am, but I believe its important that newcomers
(like myself) can read and understand what is written, without having to
read "between the lines".

I suggest, that we make an effort to at least at ASF community level, not
to confuse, but to be precise. I believe it would be correct to append [1]

"Lazy consensus cannot be used, if the project requires a minimum number of
+1 for the proposal to be accepted"

@labs, please dont feel targeted, I am not picking on your project (which I
happen to believe is VERY important, and much too unknown"), but allowing
myself to use your good website as documentation for my point.

jan I.

[1] http://community.apache.org/committers/lazyConsensus.html<http://community.apache.org/committers/lazyConsensus.html>
2013-12-15 20:31:57 UTC
The foundation glossary is here

Like most things around here, it's best to ask in the specific
community where you find the confusion. In the case of Labs, it's a
known issue[1]. If you want to help us (labs) improve the situation,
that'd be great. There's history in our mail archives.
[1] - https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/LABS-512
I am not sure if this is the right place for such a question/suggestion, but
better here than nowhere :-)
I have lately been meet with confusion in 2 situations, both at ASF
community level (at least if you look from a distance).
Lazy consensus defines "silence is consensus", but projects (like e.g. labs)
"Every ASF committer can ask for one or more labs. The creation of the lab
requires a PMC lazy consensus vote (at least three +1 and no -1, 72 hours)"
a) PMC who dont send an explicit +1/-1 cast a +1 == "silence is concensus"
b) 3 +1 pmc votes is needed, so the rules of "lazy consensus" does not
The people who wrote the lines I quote are all much more experienced in "the
apache way" than I am, but I believe its important that newcomers (like
myself) can read and understand what is written, without having to read
"between the lines".
I suggest, that we make an effort to at least at ASF community level, not to
confuse, but to be precise. I believe it would be correct to append [1]
"Lazy consensus cannot be used, if the project requires a minimum number of
+1 for the proposal to be accepted"
@labs, please dont feel targeted, I am not picking on your project (which I
happen to believe is VERY important, and much too unknown"), but allowing
myself to use your good website as documentation for my point.
jan I.
[1] http://community.apache.org/committers/lazyConsensus.html